My hips don't lie
The name of my post is also the name of my new favorite song by Shakira Shakira and Wyclef, I really can't get it out of my head and I used to not like Shakira because she looked like such a SPAZ dancing in her videos, kind of like an alien got inside of her and was making her move all crazy like. But anyway, in other exciting news, one of my kind of friends in college BRANDON BAILEY, drunk dialed me on Friday night at 12:15 while I was peacefully sleeping to tell me 1.)how drunk he was and 2)how much he loved me and how I needed to call him back because he was desperate to talk to me because he loved me so much. First of all, if you're going to profess your undying love for me don't do it while I'm sleeping because I'm so cranky when I get woken up. Second of all, Brandon, I think you're kind of a dork and you need to put away those Adidas flops that you wear everywhere because those went out with Umbros. I'll end on a good note, we watched "Just Friends" with our great friends Leigh and Kyle last night and that movie is surprisingly funny.
Yay! I made the blog!!
Ya'll are funny...I will definitely be a fan:)
Anonymous, at 7:03 PM
oops...obvioulsy I'm a blogger and comment virgin cuz I forgot to sign my name.
Anonymous, at 7:04 PM
Welcome to blogworld Virgin Leigh.
Anonymous, at 7:14 PM
that's soooo weird ian and I were going to call you last night a 3am and tell you we were both deeply in love with you and to dunp urb, but I was wearing my adidas flops and ian was wearing the Umbros......... so glad we decided not to call after all.
Paul, at 10:25 AM
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