Cankle Blues

Alright, I had been holding out on posting because I was waiting for a few minutes of peace and freakin' quiet so I could "compose". Well, ain't gonna happen. I've just walked in the door for the first time since 5:45 AM on March 31st. Wow. What a long spring break!! I'm impressed with Mate's skillz of adding a pictra of what she was talking about.
So, the medical profession just doesn't work on MY schedule. They just haphazardly suggest appointment times as if people don't work!? What the hell!? ALSO, I go get an X-ray at the hospital (the doctor sent me over there) and the technician (Side note: "X-ray technician" is just a nice way of saying "X-ray bitch", like nail technician or trapeeze artist)...tells me that it's going to be up to 24 hours before the radiologist writes up his report, gives it to the "writes up the report bitch", who in turn sends it to the bitch who calls my doctor's office, only to get the front desk bitch...well, you get my drift. Eventually I will find out something. Meanwhile I'll continue to hobble around on the 2 week old cankle/club foot.
Is that really your foot, Faris? That's pretty sick. Not going to lie to you.
Anonymous, at 6:38 PM
ahhhh!!! mate, that does NOT look good!!! you had better stay off the old cankle/club foot cause you need to maintain the supermodel status or i will drop yo' ass off the contract.
oneofthemates, at 7:16 PM
Mate, looks like you have done quite a number on the old cank cankleton. I have been there before and all I can tell you to do is this...
Milk it for all its worth my friend. Need groceries? "Ow my ankle hurts."
Need money? "Ow my ankle hurts."
Need to do your laundry? "Ow my ankle hurts."
Trust me it works.
Anonymous, at 8:03 PM
so I totally understand your frustration of getting anything medical done - you might as well just learn how to read your own x-rays - I have gotten pretty good - x-rays, ct scans, whatever. Maybe I should be a doctor?
Kate, at 10:42 AM
mate, your foot looks like you have elephantitus!!!
oneofthemates, at 6:42 PM
You got a boo boo.
Poo poo.
Anonymous, at 7:09 PM
if i hadn't seen you in like months, and all I saw was that picture (yes, pronounced pictra), I'd be like...dayum...roomie is blowin' up!!!!! blowin' up!!!! looks like your ankle is wraped in bacon...mmmm bacon....
Anonymous, at 6:51 AM
Disclaimer--that anonymous comment was not from me. I learnt how to sign my name. But that ankle does look ba-ad. Are you icing it? You should prob stay off of it as much and possible and keep it elevated!
Anonymous, at 6:46 PM
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