Hey Ronnie, I don't watch that show, so it's doesn't mean much to me. But I think you're super cute anyway! I mean why would my mate be with anyone who was less than hottt? Well, y'all have fun in Cola/Chucktown. I'm jealous. See you Saturday Mater.
everytime I watch the office Im like "hey Paul - doesn't that kid look like aaron", and paul's like "whatev" and then im like "he totally does". Ok, well that was pointless - but I totally agree!
kate, i think your response has been the best! aaron said that paul doesn't like it when people look like other people. we think paul is weird. but we love him.
i don't love paul. i saw him kick over a lemonade stand on howard street last week..... for real who kicks over lemonade stands and then stomps on the lemons just to insure the two sweet little kids running it can't recoup a profit...... not a nice guy!
Feel free to read, make fun of and join in on the laughs of the life and times of two old college roommates who think they should be famous. Introducing Alison and Faris...
Maybe I could be a famous body double...
Anonymous, at 8:46 PM
omg he does! i never would have put that together but now that you put the pictures side by side there is a definite and uncanny resemblance
Anonymous, at 9:20 PM
ahahahahah shit ok
Anonymous, at 6:58 AM
Hey Ronnie, I don't watch that show, so it's doesn't mean much to me. But I think you're super cute anyway! I mean why would my mate be with anyone who was less than hottt? Well, y'all have fun in Cola/Chucktown. I'm jealous. See you Saturday Mater.
Anonymous, at 4:42 PM
everytime I watch the office Im like "hey Paul - doesn't that kid look like aaron", and paul's like "whatev" and then im like "he totally does". Ok, well that was pointless - but I totally agree!
Kate, at 6:38 PM
kate, i think your response has been the best! aaron said that paul doesn't like it when people look like other people. we think paul is weird. but we love him.
Anonymous, at 7:23 PM
i don't love paul. i saw him kick over a lemonade stand on howard street last week..... for real who kicks over lemonade stands and then stomps on the lemons just to insure the two sweet little kids running it can't recoup a profit...... not a nice guy!
Anonymous, at 7:42 AM
hahahah!!!! y'all are fools. he does kinda look like him though - but you know how all white people look alike to me.
in other news...did Faris have a mini-meltdown via the blog? check on it.
Anonymous, at 6:00 PM
you need to take that up with mate spudaddy
Anonymous, at 10:25 AM
bren, i'm glad you noticed that! i thought my mom would get mad at me b/c we spend more time being retarded than we do planning the wedding :)
UNCLE URB, at 5:45 AM
i'm not type giant, whoops, that was alison
Anonymous, at 5:46 AM
i think this blog entry might have the record for comments. leave it to me to bring mate tv out of the gutter.
Anonymous, at 4:30 PM
i think this blog entry might have the record for comments. leave it to me to bring mate tv out of the gutter.
Anonymous, at 4:30 PM
Aaron you can't leave comments about yourself to boost the number of comments about yourself.
Al - blog. I'm dying.
Anonymous, at 6:51 PM
hahahahaha, that's funny and OH SO TRUE.
oneofthemates, at 4:36 PM
ummmmm why not? without me matetv would not exist. therefore... i can.
Anonymous, at 4:45 PM
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