I'm always cold

Why am I always cold? I think that starting in mid-October and spanning through mid-May, I am cold 23/24 hours per day. I realized this over the weekend. And I was in FLORIDA for goodness sakes. Honestly, I was cold every second. I was cold in the car, inside, outside, awake, asleep. My boyfriend was about to kill me because he is the opposite. He is always hot: driving with the window down in 40 degree weather and running the AC at night. Do y'all think that I'm going to get even colder as I get older? That rhymes. Kinda. What if we didn't have heat? I'm not sure that I would have survived in the olden days.
Why does everyone call their hometown or college town "God's Country"?? I got an email this morning from a coworker and he was like..."I'm going to God's country this weekend to watch the Auburn Tigers take on the bulldawgs." I've heard people refer to the following places as God's country: Auburn, Athens, Georgia in general, Alabama in general, North Florida, and the South in general. I'm beginning to wonder what exactly IS God's country. What would God say? WWJD. My boys in my 2nd period, who are presently taking a quiz...and probably failing it...told me that they think it's mostly Alabama people that say "God's Country". Maybe they think that God likes them "extra special" or something.
Alabama is definitely God's country, but I think everybody in the south refers to "their" town/ state/ region as God's country, depending on who they're talking to. PS-- Happy Birthday, Alison... hope this one is better than your 21st! :)
Anonymous, at 6:56 AM
true! mate's bday!!
Anonymous, at 8:04 AM
thanks addy and mate!!! i wrote you an email trying to get yo' address, so holla back.
also, i refer to the countryside as God's country. I don't know why, I guess because it's the only place that's not taken over by this Capitalist society that we live in. (that's me trying to get deep)
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM
No, mate, no. But it's your birthday, so I guess you can say whatever you want is God's country.
Anonymous, at 10:02 PM
i must say, i have never heard her refer to anything as god's country. i think that was a lie.
Anonymous, at 9:01 PM
Everybody knows that CLEMSON, SC is actually God's country. That's why He made sunsets orange and purple...hahaha.
Anonymous, at 6:12 AM
I wonder who wrote the last comment. Duh.
Anonymous, at 7:54 AM
No offense, Fair, but the reason you're always cold is because you don't have enough body fat. Remember when I was always cold my senior year of high school? EAT A BISCUIT!
Anonymous, at 1:21 AM
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