Let's get Campy!

Hey peeps. So, last week Aaron and I decided to go camping before all of the campgrounds were closed for the winter. We also wanted to take our cute dog Bella with us and see how she reacted to the great outdoors. Everyone warned us that it was going to be cold and we were like, yeah, we know, but not only was it cold, we woke up this morning and there was frost on the ground. But, obviously since I am writing this post, we made it through the cold mountain nights. Bella was a little overwhelmed with her first camping experience. When we got to our site she started barking at everyone walking by and we were afraid we were going to get kicked out of the campground, but luckily she calmed down. Then she was just so excited that we were all outside. Although, sleeping in a tent really confused her. By the end of the night she was in Aaron's sleeping bag with him. Saturday, we went on a hike with about a 47,000 other people and we were a little disappointed in the hike, because it wasn't even a mile!! It was more like a stroll. There were people out there with heels on. WEIRD. But everyone said Bella was a cute dog, which made us happy. After the hike, Bella was POOPED and from about 3 p.m on, she slept in the tent. Actually, she's still sleeping. Aaron is a camp-master might I add. He was an eagle scout, so he knows how to make a good fire. And, I know how to make good s'mores. Enjoy the pictures.

oh em gee...my mate is an old married person...well, almost. ADORABLE pic of you two and baby bellicious. can't wait to see y'all in a few weeks. love.
Anonymous, at 10:34 AM
that dog is a monster - and it probably ate small cuddly rabbits while you weren't watching!!!!! i love my roomie and her fiance' ron jon jeremy - but i fear that cute and beastly puppy...
Anonymous, at 4:33 PM
hmmmm no but she does eat the occassional roach.
Anonymous, at 9:41 PM
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