Body Modifications
Hey there blog--So a couple weeks ago I was just feeling frisky and after church I said to my fiance, Aaron: "Aaron take me to the body piercing studio" That's right, I said body piercing studio. So off we went in search of a body piercing place and and I got my nose pierced!! It's so cute, I love it. A lot of people have asked why at the age of 25 do I decide to get my nose pierced, and I think I just wanted to shake things up a bit. Because, I ALWAYS follow the rules and do everything I'm supposed to and so that day I decided to do something different that would not be too drastic/dramatic for my conservative work environment. Speaking of work, there's this one guy there who is the office gossip and he like flipped out when I showed up with my new body adornment and asked me if I had checked the dress code and did I think it would affect my business??!! It was totally annoying, especially since my bosses didn't care AT ALL. He's such a busy body, mind yo' bidness. Anyhow. It was cold in Charlotte this weekend, and I loved it! I'm ready for fall weather. As soon as I charge up the camera, I will take a picture of my new nose piercing :) Oh, the reason it took a couple of weeks for me to post this is because I wanted my parents to experience my little rebellion first hand and not read it on the blog. My mom's reaction was funny "AHHHHHHHHHH, YOU ARE RETARDED!!!! AARON WHY DID YOU LET HER DO THAT??? Oh well, let's go shopping" Then my dad didn't even notice it, how disappointing, I had to point it out to him. But, very typical of my dad he said in a very succint manner, "Alison, that's stupid"
Sounds like boyfriend at work IS trying to mind yo' bidness. MATE: Found out this weekend that more peeps read the blog. This means we gotta post more. For sure. Next up..."Hooray for Relay". muhahahahahaha
Anonymous, at 10:45 AM
no you didn't.......!!!!!!!????????the nose ring i mean.......please post a pic asap....tell ron i say hi!
Kate, at 11:24 AM
i like the booger blocker.
Anonymous, at 9:00 PM
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