whoop whoop!
Who's getting married this week??? ME!!! I have more to post but it's 7:45 and I need to get ready for work. Damn the man, making me work on my "wedding week" :)
As one of my coworkers obnoxiously says every 5 mins,
Wait for another post from me latra,
Alright, I'm back for the rest of my post!!
So, a couple weeks ago, I was at a really poopy sales training in Augusta, GA for a couple of days. On the real, it sucked. This woman just read out of the sales manual to us for TWO STRAIGHT DAYS. At one point I grabbed a plastic knife left over from lunch and started hacking away at my wrists...I digress, back on course. One of the most RIDIC things they tried to instill in us was how to "close the deal". They said, when we are in a meeting with our client and we're trying to reel in the little fishies, to pull out a calendar and put a big X on today and then a big X on when we are coming back in for the completed contract. Can you imagine? If someone showed me a calendar and started x-ing out the days, I would say um Hello...get out of my office you sales neophyte! And I would most def. use that word because I think it's awesome and I can't ever find a time to use it. Thanks. But, I did put a big X on today and then a big X on my wedding day to show how close it is!! I've decided to include that in this post
Woooooooow, aren't you impressed that I'm using something from my sales training? This is how Alison closes the deal. Try to find a man in whatever account I'm trying to close, smile a lot, flirt, show some skin, flash the contract. Holla if you got a dolla!!
Alright. So...there are a lot of things you have to do before you get married. I got my eyebrows shaped and cleaned up, my hair highlighted and touched up a little, I still need a manicure and pedicure and...OH! I've been whitening my teeth!! Here is a picture of my nice, white smile. (Think Ross in that epic Friends episode)

As one of my coworkers obnoxiously says every 5 mins,
Wait for another post from me latra,
Alright, I'm back for the rest of my post!!
So, a couple weeks ago, I was at a really poopy sales training in Augusta, GA for a couple of days. On the real, it sucked. This woman just read out of the sales manual to us for TWO STRAIGHT DAYS. At one point I grabbed a plastic knife left over from lunch and started hacking away at my wrists...I digress, back on course. One of the most RIDIC things they tried to instill in us was how to "close the deal". They said, when we are in a meeting with our client and we're trying to reel in the little fishies, to pull out a calendar and put a big X on today and then a big X on when we are coming back in for the completed contract. Can you imagine? If someone showed me a calendar and started x-ing out the days, I would say um Hello...get out of my office you sales neophyte! And I would most def. use that word because I think it's awesome and I can't ever find a time to use it. Thanks. But, I did put a big X on today and then a big X on my wedding day to show how close it is!! I've decided to include that in this post
Woooooooow, aren't you impressed that I'm using something from my sales training? This is how Alison closes the deal. Try to find a man in whatever account I'm trying to close, smile a lot, flirt, show some skin, flash the contract. Holla if you got a dolla!!
Alright. So...there are a lot of things you have to do before you get married. I got my eyebrows shaped and cleaned up, my hair highlighted and touched up a little, I still need a manicure and pedicure and...OH! I've been whitening my teeth!! Here is a picture of my nice, white smile. (Think Ross in that epic Friends episode)