I got tagged!
I'm moving to Augusta in 2 months! It's really exciting. I'm job hunting right now and that's always time-consuming, confusing, and kind of fun too. It's fun to think about a new routine. Am I weird? Things I'm looking forward to: a shorter commute, teaching younger kids maybe?, getting to know a new school community, and starting a fresh school year. The beginning of the year is so fun. Fresh clean school supplies. Pretty, clean notebooks. Drew, you're probably the only one still reading.
I have been tagged by Merritt to do a thingy.
Here are the rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names.
1. I always think of weird/scary ways that I might die (i.e. the bridge I'm running on might collapse; a plane might crash on my car; tuberculosis; etc.). It's a terrible habit and not very faithful of God's promise to me.
2. I drive 90 miles a day total commuting to and from work. And I only work part time. I leave between 5:35 and 5:55 each morning. This morning, I had the joy of waking up at 6:20. That was an adrenaline rush.
3. I was obsessed with shoes when I was a little girl. When people asked my best friend Margaret Dennis and I what our favorite things were, she always said "horses" and I said "shoes". I wanted to swim in a pool of shoes.
4. I think it's really scary when someone is dressed up in a costume or wearing a mask. The Smurf at Carowinds did me in as a child.
5. My family's birthdays are on the 1st, 10th, 20th, and 30th of different months.
6. I really like to have pictures up everywhere. On my wall, in frames, on my computer background, on the screensaver, on my bathroom mirror, you name it. Caleb has already warned me that he has different tastes and doesn't quite foresee the large amt of pics in our new house. :(
7. I love Sonic grilled cheeses, Chicken Express custard, TCBY, Bojangles cinnamin biscuits, Duke's sandwiches, and a smattering of other unhealthy treats.
I tag...Mate, Charlsie, and Drew!
I have been tagged by Merritt to do a thingy.
Here are the rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names.
1. I always think of weird/scary ways that I might die (i.e. the bridge I'm running on might collapse; a plane might crash on my car; tuberculosis; etc.). It's a terrible habit and not very faithful of God's promise to me.
2. I drive 90 miles a day total commuting to and from work. And I only work part time. I leave between 5:35 and 5:55 each morning. This morning, I had the joy of waking up at 6:20. That was an adrenaline rush.
3. I was obsessed with shoes when I was a little girl. When people asked my best friend Margaret Dennis and I what our favorite things were, she always said "horses" and I said "shoes". I wanted to swim in a pool of shoes.
4. I think it's really scary when someone is dressed up in a costume or wearing a mask. The Smurf at Carowinds did me in as a child.
5. My family's birthdays are on the 1st, 10th, 20th, and 30th of different months.
6. I really like to have pictures up everywhere. On my wall, in frames, on my computer background, on the screensaver, on my bathroom mirror, you name it. Caleb has already warned me that he has different tastes and doesn't quite foresee the large amt of pics in our new house. :(
7. I love Sonic grilled cheeses, Chicken Express custard, TCBY, Bojangles cinnamin biscuits, Duke's sandwiches, and a smattering of other unhealthy treats.
I tag...Mate, Charlsie, and Drew!
Fair you know just what to say. I get all hot and bothered when you talk about clean notebooks and new pens.
Drew, at 10:18 AM
Hahahahahahahaha! Also, I wanted to add Groucho's STP dippers to #7 and say that I don't have 7 friends to tag.
Anonymous, at 11:35 AM
Alison and I are connected by the French connection. haha!
Anonymous, at 7:45 AM
Faris- I agree with you on the whole new clean notebooks and pens thing. Brett and I get all excited when we get to go to places like Office Depot or Target during Back to School season. Ahhhh....
merritt, at 6:58 AM
i had an stp yesterday for lunch. alison berrated me for not taking her with me. won't make that mistake again.
Anonymous, at 2:51 PM
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