The Mates' Reality TV Life

Friday, April 20, 2007


Okay, I'm just going to post something to stop the hate. I am sitting here fielding so many questions...SO...MANY...QUESTIONS. Somedays, I wish I could not have any questions directed at me by my students. I mean honestly, it gets REALLY tiring to answer so many questions. And sometimes there isn't a simple answer. Like, "Ms. Smith, I turned in this movie poster and you gave me a 0, why?". Well, I don't know. It's Friday. You got a 0. That's life. You didn't turn it in. And I don't want to spend the next 10 minutes looking for it or otherwise explaining to you that you can't turn it in now because it's been more than the 5 days after the due date that you can turn in late work. No, I didn't lose it. You just didn't turn it in. Teachers don't make mistakes, just students. :)

Just now, "Ms. Smith, what time do we get out of here today?". Well, that's an easy one. Quick answer, and I'm back to my blog. Some days the questions don't bother me. Other days I want to scream.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Guilty Pleasures?

Today is one of those guilty pleasures kind of days. The kind where it rains all day and the only thing you can WAIT to do when you get off work is go home, kiss your dog....and your man too, get in your sweats and watch E! until your eyes blur. And then tomorrow when the girls at work ask what you did last night, you evasively reply, "Oh nothing, you?" When really, you just had one of the best nights of your life! You just don't want to admit it. So that had me asking myself, why are our guilty pleasures....guilty? If something makes me happy then I should just enjoy it, right? Wrong. I love hip hop music and very cheesy pop songs, I get great pleasure from listening to Britney Spears' "I'm a slave 4 u" and Fergie's "My humps" but when someone asks who I'm listening to these days, I answer the newest, cutting edge artist that people may not have heard of yet, because that is coooooooool. Then I get in my car and ask myself, "How come everytime you come around my LONDON, LONDON BRIDGE WANNA GO DOWN?"

Recently, I've changed jobs. Actually, I've changed careers. And I find myself feeling kind of embarrassed telling people what I'm doing because it's not as OFFICIAL as my previous job. BUT, it makes me happy. Therefore, why be embarrassed? So, no more!!! I'm following Sheryl Crow's line of thought, "If it makes you HAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYY, it can't be that BAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAD".

Update: 8:19 p.m I got home from work at 5pm. Kissed my dog. Kissed my man. Took a nap until 7 pm. Woke up. Called Pizza Hut. Ordered large pizza. Ate two pieces. Ate a wonderful Reese's Peanut Butter Egg. Didn't feel guilty about a thing. Progress.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Straight Chillin'

Dear Blog,

I love it when people ask me to blog or say that they read our blog, etc, because it means they like it! And it is my main goal in life to please people. Alright, who in the heck am I kidding, we all know I'm a selfish little twit. So, I thought I'd write in and tell everyone about my new job. So, far I'm really, really, liking it!!! Everyone in the office is around the age of 30 and they don't question my dark fingernail polish because they automatically know that black nail polish is the hardest color to keep on the shelves this season. (Don't ask me why!! Why in the heck did leggings come back in style?? "What goes around, goes around, goes around comes all the way back around....") And I found out there are amazing perks involved with this job!!! My new coworker Alexis said that Neiman Marcus holds privately held fashion shows and gives out swag bags to the attendees...and skirt! is an attendee!! I will definitely be staying around for that one. I found out today that I'm going to hear the founder of Spanx speak at the Westin hotel in a few weeks. (Aaron has no clue what Spanx are, but we girls know that they help a sister out from time to time!) So, the job is great. They haven't unleashed me yet, I'm still training and am going to Charleston next week for some training. But, for now, it's all good.
