The Mates' Reality TV Life

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Life goes on

Someone recently told me this...Alison, life goes on...and yes, indeed it does. Indeed it does. Why the cryptic beginning to the blog? I'm making some life changing events. Just like Fergie with the Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stefani before her and Joey McIntyre of New Kids on the Block before them, it's time for a solo effort. Some of my blog fans have said, "Al. You should do your own blog, because seriously, we need more of your blogs in our life." I shimmied away from the idea but today is the day. I am fully embracing it. Bring on the newness. I will still blog on Mate TV from time to time. This is where I got my start. Thank you Mate TV. And thank you, fearless blog fans for encouraging me to branch out into the world of blogging solo.

I've already started blogging on the new site. Ch-ch-check it out.

I ain't no hollaback girl,

Friday, June 01, 2007

Camp Faris in Session

Hello all you blog readers. Just wanted to keep you posted. I am in Greenville, SC until 7-7-07 (the big wedding date) for "Camp Faris". That's what my Dad calls it. You see, my parents REALLY love me. They are so excited to have me home, living in my house and doing everything with them. But let me tell you, it's pretty intense. I wake up in the morning whenever I want...which is nice...and then Mom and I get in the car and proceed to run about 159 errands. Most of these errands have to do with the wedding and others are just errands I make her take me to do. Today, I faxed resumes to schools where I'm trying to get a job and mailed Mate her wedding gift since I accidentally left it in the car last weekend. UGH. Anyhoo, this errand-running goes on pretty much all day, and includes a lunch break of some sort. The lunch break includes partaking of SWEEEEET tea that I continue to drink for the rest of the day. Because that's healthy. This girl is putting on the pounds. Usually, late afternoon, the matriarch of Camp Faris...Mrs. Rita Smith needs some time to herself, so Faris, the princess heads to workout or naps. So, the last part of the day at Camp Faris that is noteworthy is that I am learning how to cook. You see, this girl only knows how to cook a few select things, so my mom is teaching me how to cook whole meals of food. What's funny about this teaching experience is that we're trying to simulate what it will be like in my new house. For example, I don't have a microwave, so I have to make accomodations for that...I only have one oven and Mom has two. I can't cheat or else I won't have a clue how to do it come July 14th or whatever. Camp Faris finishes up the day with family time. Dad comes home and we eat whatever I've cooked. The other night he almost cried because Mom and I didn't have time to cook dinner and we had to go to the Cracker Barrell. Then a long walk follows with our imaginary dog and last night we even went to TCBY and Baskin Robbins (for mom) afterwards. Tonight was a little different because we went to the Greenville Drive baseball game. La dee da. All you need to know is that I am having a great time at Camp Faris! Duh, the world is revolving around me for a whole month...who wouldn't like it? ;)

I know it's exciting and I know that you're dying to know more...but sorry. Tomorrow night is my bachelorette party and this whole weekend is Caleb's in Charleston, so perhaps there will be stories to tell pretty soon. Until then...
