My name is Earl, I mean Alison
Isn't that stupid tv show, "My Name is Earl" about karma? I've tried to watch that show but I don't like it. Anyway, this blog isn't about Earl, but about Karma. You know ever since I got back from Colorado I've had one disaster after another!! I was talking to Mate about it and she says karma is a bitch, but I haven't done anything wrong...I mean sure I'm a little bit vain and like to look at myself in any mirror that's available, and I spend money on clothes that I should give to church, I spend money on shoes that I should give to church, I spend money on Kate Spade stuff that I should give to church, I look up things online that I want to spend money on that I should give to church, I might talk about people behind their backs ONCE in a while, I read and love wondering if Lindsay Lohan is really putting vodka in her water bottles and lusting after Paris Hilton's newest pair of Louboutin's, but all in all I'm a good person. So, WHY GOD WHY did the ceiling fall in the other morning and why did I jam my toe this morning while plugging in my celly? Seriously, some chicks washing machine broke above Aaron's apt and flooded his house. Oh yeah, and our mascot Bella got out and I had to chase her for 30 minutes during the madness. And then this morning I think I broke my pinky toe and I only have one pair of flats to wear to work and they are leopard print. Enjoy the pics. Oh and no questions about why my fingernail polish is black, people need to watch the E! network once in a while. Black is the new light pink.

OMG I just peed my pants.
Anonymous, at 5:19 AM
I just peed my pants again when I noticed Ron's little/big head in the corner of the pic. LOVE TO MY MATE! Can't wait to see you on Sunday!!
Anonymous, at 4:22 PM
So technically we don't know one another, but we were members of the FU community, so that doesn't make me too weird for lurking on your blog, right? Plus, I do know your Mate after foreign study and lovely Spanish classes.
Anyway, I read the blog every once in a while and enjoy, so keep it up. Also, I talked to Katy C the other day and she said the two of you got together over the holidays. We are in the same Bible study here in TX and were excited to have all these fun FU connections. Small world.
Good luck with the bad karma...
merritt, at 2:09 PM
Merritt, we are glad to have you as a reader! AWESOME! I couldn't get the link to your blog to work...?
Anonymous, at 8:08 PM
It's brettandmerritt . Same blog hoster as y'all! Let me know if you can't get it. Faris--you teaching?
merritt, at 8:31 PM
mate tv, bringing people together
Anonymous, at 8:23 AM
Alright, Merritt, I've searched and I can't find it? Can you post the link please! Yes, I'm teaching part-time Spanish 2 in Gwinnett.
Anonymous, at 11:49 AM
If that still doesn't work...well, I really don't know what to tell you (maybe I could email the link?)! I'm not much of a computer genius, though I wouldn't mind if I were.
merritt, at 11:37 AM
soooooooooo sorry Allison and Aaron - hope the foot and the apt. get better soon!!!
Kate, at 4:47 PM
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خدمات منزلية, at 12:00 PM
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Mr Ammar, at 11:35 AM
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