Shopping 2 the Max

Hmmm, I figured it was time for someone to blog. I think it's my turn. Have any of you guys been to Ikea? It is like the most exciting store I've ever been in. Especially now that I'm in "move into a real house"/"be domestic" mode. They have everything you could possibly want and more. And it's super cheap. So, my uncle Walter and I went today after a fabulous brunch with British Jason, Darren, and a new friend Chris at Sun in my Belly. We spent hours in Ikea gawking at the cool stuff they have AND at the interesting people in there. If someone wanted to kill a large amount of people, they should bomb Ikea on a Saturday or Sunday. Well, that was morbid. Anyway. the coolest part is that they have all these little helpful things that you reallly really needed, but didn't remember you needed til you saw them. And, did I mention...they are cheap. So, you're wandering around and you keep picking up little $1.50 or $2.00 items that you "have really been needing" and my grand total at check out was $15.00!! I mean, I had a gift card for more than that and everything. Well, I was excited because I got Caleb some magnets because he's been taping things to his frig and we all know that's not the correct way to do things. And I got some things that I forgot I needed like a pretty dish scrubber and a TV tray type thing for when I eat on the couch. :) I even got some adorable notecards that are pink chickens!! How jealous are you? You know, it's the simple things in life.