EGGciting day!

Easter eggs make anything fun. I love them so much that I planned an entire day's lesson using Easter eggs. Oh yes, my friends. My students enjoyed not only an egg hunt with a corresponding vocabulary activity, but also a spoon/egg relay race that went with a grammar practice of sorts. Step off my kinesthetic review games, beotch!! I pretty much wore a perma-grin all day watching "the children" (as Holly and I refer to them) hunt for the eggs, run in the relay race with the egg on the spoon, and generally enjoy my engaging activities. I was on top of the world. Easter eggs are the best. Other reasons Easter eggs are cool: they are colorful, they can hold things (in my case, instructional material), they sit so nicely in a basket. Any other ideas?
To add to the fun, another teacher upon seeing us engaging in our kinesthetic review game (I love educational jargon!), decided to play a prank and in between classes go steal all of the eggs. Our next class was thinking that I was an expert egg hider. Anyway, we've plotted revenge and named it, "Project Peep". We will fill the suspect teacher's classroom with Easter grass and stick peeps to his whiteboard.
Props to you mate for the handy dandy html skillz. I am proud.
Anonymous, at 6:48 PM
What egg-xactly did I do?? ;)
Anonymous, at 7:10 PM
wow, mate you're starting to talk like a teacher!! ahhhhh
oneofthemates, at 7:32 PM
I mean, the world has been missing out. Already, matetv is a super hit and i'm like, what did i do before matetv existed?? although i feel like my comments are so unworthy of such a witty blog.
Anonymous, at 6:57 PM
also, props to the teacher!! how fun! also craziness on the prank. love it.
Anonymous, at 6:58 PM
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