Out with the...old, in with the...new?

Hello everyone! Yes, I'm still alive and no I haven't forgotten about the blog. So, I'm at home (hooray) on my first day off after I've finished my student teaching (yippee). I actually just had to go to Kinkos at 7AM, so the whole sleeping in thing was shot. Well, I slept in an hour. Regardless, I'm done with the student teaching part of my life. Yesterday at school, my students had parties for me all day. We had two donut parties, an ice cream party, a quesadilla party, and finally a dessert party. ;) My third period is so amazing that after I gave my speech (thanks for being so wonderful, I'm going to miss you guys, etc.), each individual student wanted to give a speech! OMG! My girl Chelsea is such a drama queen that she demanded that we turn off the lights in the classroom and then she stood underneath the emergency spotlight in the room to give her speech. I have a video of a few seconds of it, but I don't know how to post video clips on here. I even got a special delivery of balloons! I got a mylar balloon that says, "You're special". I was so happy all day for several reasons: I was glad that my students actually liked me, I was eating the most amazing food ever, and lastly, I was ready to get the hell out of that school after 14 weeks of intense work.
So, this morning I was thinking about the fact that I'm not really closing a chapter of my life or starting a new chapter like so many of my friends are. I have friends that are finishing up law school or MBA school. Some 3Ls have even been at UGA all 7 years. They are leaving this bubble to start their new lives as real life people. Some of my other friends from my education classes are college seniors. Do you FU alum readers remember this time of year when we were seniors at Furman? Sad to leave everyone, excited about getting a paycheck at a job and not studying anymore, scared as hell about paying bills and having a boss? Well, my friends here are going through the same thing. Well, as for ME, I am staying right here. This summer I'm taking a ton of classes here at UGA. Three are online courses, so I have flexibility if anyone has a beach house with internet... Haha, anyway, starting at the end of July, I will begin my school year with Grayson High School. I've accepted a part-time position as a Spanish 2 teacher. I'm SO excited to be teaching at Grayson with the amazing faculty and students that I worked with this semester. I'm also going to be finishing up my masters, so I'll be a busy girl. What's so weird about all this is that I'm not moving this summer. I've moved every summer since I was 18! For once, I don't have to pack up all my crap and start fresh somewhere else. I guess I'm okay with it. I love moving all my stuff into a fresh, new room and buying new things for the bathroom and kitchen. I love arranging the furniture and having mom hang all of my pictures on the wall. I think I'm going to miss moving. I know my parents aren't going to miss it. Well, anyway, good luck to all of you that are starting new chapters in your lives. I'll be here holding down the fort.
You're going to MISS moving? WHAT?! Moving is worse than having a brick thrown at your head.
Anonymous, at 12:38 PM
you lost me on that post. i think i might have fallen asleep.
Anonymous, at 3:11 PM
I'm sorry Ron. I don't always find all the posts to be of personal interest, but it's okay, because it's not just my blog, it's also Mate's. Sorry I bored you.
Anonymous, at 11:16 PM
hahaha no apologies mate, its your blog. not trying to start a blog war here! that comment was made with love my friend. keep the entries coming.
Anonymous, at 6:15 AM
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