Fun Day Friday!!!
Oh man am I glad it's the weekend!!! I don't have much news to report but I do have some funny stories. So, the latter part of my week was spent in Columbia visiting accounts for work and the like and while I'm in Columbia I stay at my parent's house. And for all of you in blogworld that know my parents know that they are so completely opposite that it's really funny, so when we're all together I usually laugh a lot. So last night we go out to dinner and my parents and I are having the usual dinner conversation about STRIP CLUBS and I feel the need to tell my parents that Aaron has gone to a few strip clubs in his day but I doubt he'll be going to anymore in the near future. My dad is like "yeah...well how do you know that?" and I was like "Aaron knows I will cut his balls off if he goes to one" HAHAHA, I thought my mom was going to fall out of her chair. It was really funny. Sigh. Well, tonight is the opening night of the Charlotte Knights and my company has a box so I'm going to that and then tomorrow night we're having a cookout with some peeps to enjoy this beautiful Easter weekend. Only 3 more days til Jesus jumps up from the grave, holla!!
Strip clubs???
That was that Uncle Urb guy, not Aaron.
And also, you better watch out for the whole balls comment. Ever heard of eye for an eye?
Anonymous, at 8:06 AM
You said you had storieS. And you only told one.
Anonymous, at 10:33 AM
well now i have more stories but they will have to wait until i decide to post again :)
Anonymous, at 10:58 AM
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