Happy Friday world!
Alright blogworld, I was gone for a minute now I'm back let me hit it (the blog that is). Mate has written some things that i would like to comment on but my comments would be too long to leave in the comment section so I'm writing a new post as my comment. First of all, Mate, I understand your plight in the whole guy situation. I see both yours and your mom's point of view, you ARE lucky to have that many guys focused on you (as we know several people who have trouble finding a date and are down on themselves about that) but it can be frustrating to not find one you want to spend more than a couple weeks dating casually. I think the big question here is, what are you looking for in a guy? What would really get your mojo working? And what is it about all of these guys that you don't like? I admire your ability not to settle and date someone just for the hell of having a boyfriend, I always lose respect for women who do that because it seems like they're not happy with themselves and have to find it in some GUY. Whatever. But think about those questions I asked my dear mate. I would like to add on to the ranting and raving but kind of in a different manner. No matter where I go or what I'm doing, driving, going to Barnes and Noble, working out, black guys always seem to holla at me. Why is that? I do have a black girl booty that I inherited from my mom, but dang. I really should keep a tally of how many times a black guy starts sweatin' me. Just yesterday I'm exiting a parking lot and this guy rolls his window down and is like, "mmmm mmmm mmmm" I'm sorry, do I look Campbell's Creamy Tomato soup? I don't think so. Although, the attention is funny and makes for a good blog.
Disclaimer: I am not racist. Thanks.
Disclaimer: I am not racist. Thanks.
shake whatcha mama gave ya
Anonymous, at 2:34 PM
how do we judge without a booty pic?
Anonymous, at 4:01 PM
Oh, and you gotta sign your name. Peeps told me it was confusing.
Anonymous, at 5:24 PM
It's cuz you just so damn fine!
Anonymous, at 12:31 AM
I think that you should add to your disclaimer. "My mom is not black." The blog was slightly confusing.
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM
Seriously colleagues. All of these hostile comments in relation to the mate's gluteus do seem to demean her concern. Mate, I am sorry that men of color tend to embarrass you with our advances. But seriously, GET OVER IT! we ain't talkin' to everybody. we ain't hollerin' at everybody. put some tight jeans on...get an extension...and own it. Yo mama will be proud, b! - Spurge
Anonymous, at 7:50 PM
Omg that's the most hilarious thing I've ever read. Spurgeon is my hero.
Anonymous, at 9:40 PM
Omg that's the most hilarious thing I've ever read. Spurgeon is my hero.
Anonymous, at 9:41 PM
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