That's right. I'm back. I'm feeling a little bit under the weather this week so I'm staying home to get some rest before I start pounding the street again to drum up some business. Last week at the conference in the PTC, Georgia they worked us so hard that I'm kind of semi exhausted. So, anyway, my all time favorite band, Pearl Jam, has a new cd that came out yesterday. Now, I will definitely go and buy it because I've bought every single one of their cds since I was about 12 or 13. Now...we all know that Pearl Jam is not a high profile band anymore but has more of a cult following I guess...Anyway, whenever I tell someone they're my favorite band they look at me kind of funny like...okay, how old are they like 50? so that led me to thinking, are they really my favorite band or do I just have loyalty to them. So, then that led me to thinking that I'm that way about everything. For example, I only buy clothes from Banana Republic. I only have Kate Spade purses. I only wear 7 jeans. Am I limiting myself to being such a brand snob? Maybe, maybe not. Banana Republic clothes fit me well because I have a small upper body completed by a bedunky-dunk lower half. So, that makes sense. The Kate Spade purses and 7 jeans might be a little over the top but it's like once you have the real thing, why go back to something that's not as nice? I would enjoy comments. Thanks. Oh, the pic above is perfect example of all three brands together. 7 jeans, KS purse and BR jacket. I'm obsessed. Please help.
I heard walmart has nice things.
Anonymous, at 8:33 AM
Yea watch out, prof, she's got expaaaansive taste! Mate, here's my opinion. You have such great fashion-sense. In my opinion, you should pick some new designers that aren't so...well... mainstream. I mean, you and I both know that I like 7 jeans and kate spade purses, but I think it's time to move on...
Anonymous, at 12:36 PM
I say keep it up. don't become like the rest of america that is obsessed with the cheap. Quality means nothing to most people theses days it's all about the price tag. why spend $200 on 20 peices of crap when you can buy one nice thing that will last and you'll enjoy for a long time. good on ya pal
Paul, at 1:35 PM
ahhhhhh just another example of my obsessiveness!!!
esprit2max. good call bren.
Anonymous, at 7:26 PM
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