
I got to see my darling, baby twins yesterday. It was amazing. I used to nanny for them last summer and fall and then I had to quit so that I could student teach this spring. Anyway, I hadn't seen them since December, so you can imagine how much they have grown and improved in the time since I last saw them. They will be 2 in July. It's ABSOLUTELY amazing to me how quickly children learn things. For example, since I last saw Haleigh and Hannah, they have learned to reach the doors and open them. And let me tell you, they are experts. The Bakers now have those plastic things around the door knobs so that the girls won't go everywhere in the house. When I was there in December, the problem was them getting into the cabinets (hence the cabinet stoppers). They don't use their pacifiers anymore. Now, I'll tell you what. That got on my nerves. Yes, I understand that they have 3 kids under the age of 3, but seriously. Pacifiers and they are 1 and a half? Well, now they only use them at nap time. What hasn't changed? That Haleigh loves me the most. That Hannah's sweet little face might be the cutest thing I've ever seen. That walking round and round the outside of the house looking for rocks to put in sandpails doesn't get old EVER when you have two pea sized twin girls in tow. I love teaching high school, but there is nothing like some TLC of babies!
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