Did you miss me?

Hey, it's me. Faris! Hope all the Faris-haters are okay with me blogging on the mate blog. Well, I first want to apologize for neglecting all of you for the past month or so. I am going to blame it on several things; and in the blaming I will attempt to catch you up on my life! I am a high school Spanish teacher (which I'm scared to claim based on the previous blog), so my school year started about a month ago. So, the start of the year has been great. I teach 3 class periods of kids, Spanish II CP. My kids are absolutely hilarious...you should hear some of the topics they try to get me off subject with...and sometimes they're successful. Go RAMS (hence the pic). Anyway, I'm also in grad school. I leave work when I can and drive back the 42 miles to Athens where I go to my classes. Side note: I hate UGA parking services. Why is parking in life always such a bitch? And why is it that speaking to the manager, or her manager, or her manager's manager's manager never helps? Anyway...I'm also in a fairly new relationship, which is really fun. I flew up to Virginia to meet the parents last weekend. Mate, remember when you met the parents? Or at least when you went to Colorado? CRAZY. So, life has been filled with lots of exciting things...but for all those reasons I've been neglecting the blog. MY NEXT BLOG WILL BE MORE EXCITING AND SCANDALOUS I PROMISE. Well, Mate and I are going to Cola this weekend for the UGA/USC game, so we're sure to have a blog entry when we return. Love all you haters.
Glad to see you're blogging again! Muy bien (or bueno, or whatever)! Looking forward to the mates' blog after the big game weekend in Columbia this coming weekend WHEN UGA KICKS FANNY! (Did I say fanny?)
Roohooohooohoomie, Dwight and I are sooooooooo happy for you and Aaron! Can't wait to see the ring, hopefully this weekend!
Anonymous, at 2:40 PM
mate it's your mate. you need to do the blog update since you have the pictras, but don't post the one of my with my belly looking pregnant cause that's gross and no one wants to see that :)))))) we can do a joint post and i'll add stuff once you've put sumpin up here.
Anonymous, at 6:09 PM
aight homes
Anonymous, at 3:17 PM
good day!
I bookmark your site, best greetings.
Very much interesting site. Tomorrow I shall return again.
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Anonymous, at 8:37 AM
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