The Mates' Reality TV Life

Monday, May 22, 2006

"Little Pink penises for you and me..."

Saturday was quite the event for yours truly, my first true bachelorette party. Yeah, I've been to a few "bachelorette parties" but they all were GAY so I'll have to give props to this one. I mean, what could be either more fun or more obnoxious (you choose) than 10 girls in matching pink tank tops that say "Kate's bachelorette party" all carrying around penis straws and a big inflatable penis? Well, I for one, had a great time and give props to the party planners, Jackie and Katie. Anyway, the day started off with us looking all angelic for a true, Southern, wedding shower. Enclosed is the first picture of the day. Pretty soon we left lovely bumfreak Clover, SC and headed to the hottest of hot spots, Charlotte, NC. Soon, the lovely two girls that were above morphed into pink tank top wearing FREAKS and cared about nothing more than taking shots and drinking out of penis straws. In one of the bars there was a cover band singing a John Mellancamp tune and he oh so aptly changed the words to match our theme of the night, and this is when Kate started dancing like this.
Oh and also inspired the title of this blog. There were at least 6 or 7 other bachelorette parties out that night but they were all drinking their HATERADE and muttering underneath their breath they couldn't believe that we got shirts, cause that was too much work. All I have to say is, whatever. You only get one chance to celebrate one of your girlfriends getting married and get the chance to parade a big penis around uptown.



  • Whatever haters! It's not everyday a hot lawyer like Kate gets married. The dancing pic is disturbing...but looks like it was a fun night!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:22 PM  

  • Mine's not blow up.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:17 PM  

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