Quote of the week
So, as many of you know the season finale of Gray's Anatomy was Sunday and Monday nights. My boyfriend and I watched it both nights and after all was said and done he was very upset that McDreamy had sex with Meredith, mostly because Meredith is not hot. So, the quote of the week is "Having sex with Meredith would be like having sex with an old, wrinkly, Olson twin."
That's funny right there.
That's funny right there.
Someone posted on my Facebook the other day, "Mary Kate, is that you?"...now I'm thinkin' it wasn't such a compliment to look like an Olson twin. Hmmm.
Anonymous, at 7:49 PM
Domestic disputes are not permitted in the comment area. If this behaviour should continue you will be excommunicated from the site entirely.
Check yoself befo you wreck yoself foo.
Anonymous, at 7:31 PM
Amen! (They each have their own damn blogs anyway...why use our comments section to bicker?!)
Anonymous, at 7:57 PM
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