Seis de Mayo

That's right beotches, seis is the new cinco. Cinco de mayo is way too mainstream for me and my homies, thus, our new favorite friend Ed and two moxican lesbians decided to have a seis de mayo party. It was a pretty good time. My favorite girl, Kristin, at the left, is always a good time at any party. You can always count on someone to drink too much and be a little inappropriate, and that's Kristin. I think she has a secret crush on Aaron. Last night she told me that even though she knew me before she met Aaron, she was sure about Aaron way sooner than she was about me. That's alright, I have a hard exterior so I don't have to be everyone's friend, right mate? So, Ed has two big dogs and we felt bad leaving little Bella at home for an afternoon. So, with Ed's permission of course, we went back and picked up Bella and let her play with the big dogs. The two moxicans cooked up some good moxican eats and some partook in some moxican green. Not me of course. Ew. But, to each their own I guess.

¡Viva la moooooooxico!
Anonymous, at 7:09 PM
y la magarita.
Anonymous, at 7:10 PM
So...I guess Baby Bella was okay playing with other dogs...even without her new shots? Just being an overprotective godmama. Gotta love Moxican lesbians.
Anonymous, at 8:41 PM
she's okay being around other dogs as long as they have had their shots too, so she was fine and had the time of her life.
Anonymous, at 6:32 AM
usted no es el orador español verdadero. estoy el orado español verdado. a la mujer mala.
Anonymous, at 6:10 PM
now that's funny.
Anonymous, at 8:16 PM
esta es el shiat mi amiga. and remember, you are not el orador, i am.
Anonymous, at 10:24 AM
um...i can't read mexican.
Anonymous, at 4:43 PM
mate, have you seen that our profile has been viewed 56 times? that's a lot sucka. (sucka is my new favorite word) anyway, why don't these people leave comments. bee.
oneofthemates, at 6:53 PM
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