Lunch lady Doris...

Hello my friends. Here I sit behind the computer, property of Gwinnett County Public Schools. Today I have the biggest sense of dread. I have to buy school lunch. Usually, the night before I commute to Grayson HS, I prepare marvelous lunches. They are complete with snacks for the morning (a banana and graham crackers with peanut butter), an entree for lunch (a sandwich, soup, left overs, or a lean cuisine), a tasty dessert, and a fruit snack for the afternoon (grapes or peaches). Well, last night I had the pleasure of having dinner and spending the night in Lawrenceville with my friends Casey and Gary. Good news: I didn't have to commute this morning. Bad news: I have no lunch and no snacks! So, this morning during one of my classes, I sent a girl to get me some food from "Rampage", the school store. She came back with Combos and M&Ms. Wow, what a healthy snack. Thanks Rebecca. So, I've polled my 5th period class and they say that my best bet for school lunch is pizza or soup. They say the "International" line is questionable. However, my real fear isn't the food. I'm scared of the actual buying of the lunch. Do I cut in line because I'm faculty? How many sides of food am I allowed to take? If I take too many, will the lunch lady slap my hand because I look young enough to be in high school? Do I pay cash or do I have to type in some number into a machine? What is my number?! Lord help me!!!
ummmmm OCD. Su loco mucho mi amiga.
Anonymous, at 11:38 AM
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