Alright, so many of you that know me, know that I LOVE The Today Show. I'm not kidding, not being sarcastic, nothing. Through thick and thin, Matt and Katie have been there with me. When I started college, so did Matt and Katie, when I graduated...so did Matt and Katie. Through all the boys, Matt and Katie have been there. I've even turned people to love the Today Show, i.e, Ron. (Although he thinks Katie is cheesy, hater) I've been known to talk about Today Show topics throughout my conversations during the day...but suffice it to say that a morning is not a morning without the Today Show and a cup of coffee. So, what am I going to do now that Katie's left? Who cares about the CBS evening news when there's goofy antics with Matt, Al and Ann to be done? And let's not even talk about Matt...if there was ever a chance with him...well Ron might be looking for another girl. Sigh. Life will not be the same. Good Luck Katie, you might get some people to start waching the news (me). I'll give Meredith Viera a chance but if I don't like her, you'll be hearing from me.
I'd like to start by saying i also do NOT like Meredith Viera. she's a tool! she's going to run the today show into the ground. matt is going to be pissed off for real. I saw matt here in NYC the other day and he looked like he want to punch some faces in. probably because he just got done talking to Meredith Viera.
that bich ain't cool!!!
Paul, at 6:45 AM
yeah...stupid ho. let's whoop that trick.
Anonymous, at 7:13 AM
Daaaaaaaaang I didn't realize I was dating someone so Hollywood. Shoot, you never told me that you and katie we chums.
Anonymous, at 6:53 PM
YOU CAN'T DO A SHOW WITH MATT! you gotta do a show with me!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 3:05 PM
spu, we need to start working on how we're goingg to get a tv show. i'm tired of being a regular person and am ready for the fame I was meant for. how do we get started
Anonymous, at 6:05 AM
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