My tour of thu South!!

Mates, I've missed the blog. I really have. I always check it to see if it's updated. I forget that I'm the one that's supposed to be doing the updating. Duh. For the next few weeks before I start work (ughhhhhhhhhhhhh), I'm going to be making a big trip around the South. I'm pretty pumped. So, this past weekend, I did the ATL thing. I went out Mean Girl/Beotch style, managed to take some scandalous pictures as usual, and caught up with lots of friends. It made me miss Atlanta like usual, but I think that everytime I go I'm more and more okay with the fact that I don't live there anymore and that I might not ever live there again. Honestly it's kind of overwhelming because there are so many freaking people and different groups to catch up with. I kind of prefer Athens or Greenville where I really only have a few peeps. Is that weird? Anyway, so this coming week, I'm going to Greenville where I'll do my usual Duke's lunch with Drew. Duke's, for all of you that are unfamiliar, is the best lunch restaurant in the universe. They serve smashed sandwiches. And sweet tea. And I'm sure some other stuff, but none of that matters. The sandwiches are on white bread (unless you're weird and you get wheat) and they're cooked on the grill so they're smashed and they're wonderful...think pimento cheese, chicken salad, barbecue, ham and cheese, egg salad. Whatever your heart desires. I've been eating Duke's sandwiches for 25 years...well, since I could eat. Okay, so then Drew and I are gonna go running, because you know we're running in a marathon in October!? Well, I think I've since decided to run the half marathon since my ankle is a bitch. But she and Mate are running the freakin' full marathon. I'm going to leave G'vegas and go see MATE AND BELLA (and you too, Ron) in Charlotte!!! I'm not sure what we're going to do, but I'm sure it will involve eating sweets, going on Mate walks, watching MTV, and shopping...because that's how we do. After that, I think I'll check back in Athens and make sure all my people :) are doing aight. Then, TO CHARLESTON, to soak up the sun. I'll be staying at Bebe's on Mount Pleasant of course. Drew is going to come down also and we're going to relax, go to Sully's Island, walk, lay out, go out, eat, sleep, watch all the things that we like to do on vacation. Drew and I are great vacation partners by the way. We experienced this in Seaside two spring breaks ago. Everyone thought we were weird because we didn't want to get dressed up and go to dinner and stuff. We just wanted to BE at the house: sit, read, sleep, and pretty much enjoy the QUIET. They were out meeting their wives and stuff. Weird. Drew, did you know that Brock is like serious with that girl he met in Destin? At AJs or whatever? Anyway... So, that weekend, my parents are going to come down in Chucktown and we're going to take Bebe and Buddy's phat boat out on the ocean and PLAY PLAY PLAY. I'm really excited about my "whirlwind trip of the south" (I think someone called it that once). I think that's the way to do it. Because that's how we do. It's Mate TV and that's IT!!!!
ron. make the damn movie. damn. thanks. i love you.
Anonymous, at 7:18 PM
Uh oh, GA Mate is coming to town. Watch out Charlotte!
Anonymous, at 8:58 AM
hey fair, thanks for the shout out! you know we do it up right on vacation. and at Duke's. amen to the freakin smashed sandwiches. and another AAAAA-MEN to the chipwich.
Anonymous, at 1:08 PM
Chipwich! Chipwich! Get yo chipwich!!!
Anonymous, at 4:49 PM
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