We got jangled in Charlotte, NC

Hey Blog! It's been a long time. So, the past 4 days have been super fun and today, wednesday, has been a super draaaag. I'll start at the beginning. Aaron's college friends (sidenote: When does your significant other's friends become your friends?) came into town. Their names are Ian, Paul and Kate. On Saturday we trekked down to SouthPark Mall and surprised our friends with the plethora of nice stores we have in Charlotte, NC. They were really surprised that there are nice stores outside of New York City. We tried to use that to convince them to move down here...alas, it didn't work. Although we still had 3 more days of convincing to go. That night we met up with our friends, Leigh and Kyle and Alex and Molly and hung out at the park for the patriotic symphony night at SouthPark. We got some bojangles chicken and biscuits (not rolls) and proceeded to eat, drink and be merry. All courtesy of First Charter Bank. Sunday was a bit slower. After eating doughnuts we decided to go to the movies. The boys went to Nacho Libre and Kate and I went to The Devil Wears Prada. That movie is great!!! I recommend everyone go see it. I will probably buy it when it comes out on the DVD. Sunday night Spurgeon came into town and we had a cookout at the pool at my apartment. Oh, at my new apartment there is a resident Nanny McFee. Some old Brit hag that comes out and closes up the pool and also tells me that precious Bella is not allowed by the pool. I hate her. Anyway, that leads us to Monday which was so much fun because we spent the whole day on Lake Norman pontooning!!!! Everyone got too much sun and was completely waterlogged by the end of the day. We grubbed at P.F Changs and then Tuesday was sad cause the friends had to go back to the hustle and bustle of New York life leaving us bumpkins down in Charlotte. Aw shucks. All in all I had a great time and I love Aaron's friends because I think they are so funny and you can always be my friend if you are funny. I'm glad I got to know Kate better and I've decided she's my new best friend even though she doesn't know it yet. Oh, on the actual 4th of JUly, Aaron and I went over to Leigh and Kyle's and cooked out and shot fireworks. My parents never let us shoot fireworks because they thought they were dangerous and wouldn't you know two people got burned??? Well, one of them was Peter so that doesn't count but my heart goes out to Alex who got a 3rd degree burn between his toes from a sparkler!!! Thanks Mom and Dad for not letting me get burned as a child. The end.
Mate!! Sounds like a great weekend. Garsh darnit, I hate I didn't get to come up there. You making new best friends and all...I be jealous. Just kidding mate, I'm coming to see you next week. I be calling you asap to discuss the plans. Prep baby Bella for my arrival!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 8:12 PM
Mate!! Sounds like a great weekend. Garsh darnit, I hate I didn't get to come up there. You making new best friends and all...I be jealous. Just kidding mate, I'm coming to see you next week. I be calling you asap to discuss the plans. Prep baby Bella for my arrival!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 8:12 PM
do I get some kind of badge for being new best friend? maybe a tee shirt? I will work it. thanks for having us - you are the coolest people ever in the whole wide world. oh and by the way, we are coming down again next weekend - hope thats cool -j/k - much love and pussyscrumps!
Kate, at 8:46 PM
Ahoy matees and mates. I was the captain of that thur vessel. Not only was it a hoot hollerin bullocks of a good time, we also got to spend the day with two of the finest pussyscrumps on Lake Norman. You know who you are and I am not talking about Paul or Spurgeon.
Anonymous, at 6:22 AM
I just recovered!!!!!!! Thanks for a great time!
Paul, at 7:44 AM
ROOOOMMMIIIEEEEE!!!!! fried chicken and white people...I love the fourth of July. Tell the New Yorkers to get ready for me!
Anonymous, at 4:00 PM
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