Your mom likes to eat!
Tonight at dinner with some friends, one of the guys, Blaze (yes his name is Blaze) said that he's decided that he's only going to eat when he's hungry. He refrained from eating the...well, they were sick tacos, but whatever...he refrained from eating dinner because he says he wasn't hungry. It's his new thing. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT? He said, "I mean, do y'all really enjoy eating?". Molly and I looked at each other like he had just asked us if we really, let me think...being told we're amazing! Of course we do! I love eating. I mean, I don't like gorge myself or eat when I'm stressed or have some binge eating problem like some people in my family do (ah hum). I eat like a bird, but I eat numerous times a day. I don't even eat food for comfort. I actually usually STOP eating when I'm really upset about something OR the other extreme, when I'm really excited about something. My body lives on adrenaline or something.
But, my point is: I look forward to yummy meals. If I know that I'm going to get the pleasure of eating Inoko Express for dinner, let me tell you, I'm damn excited. If Last Resort is the dinner choice, my mouth will salivate all day at the idea of Praline Chicken or cheesecake. I can't even concentrate on the lecture..."peanut butter pie! grits!". I might even fast all day just to get ready for the meal. I also think I might talk about food too much. "What'd you have for lunch?" "Well, let me tell you about my lean cuisine that I brought's my favorite, ravioli!". I could have an entire conversation about my lunch, what I made for dinner the night before, and what I'm thinking about picking up for the next night's dinner. Is this weird? I'm not sure. Molly says she's the same way. My grandparents are absurd. They seriously do nothing besides watch TV and talk about their next meal. My grandfather has never cooked so much as a slice of toast in his life, bless his heart, and he even got food for Father's Day! WTF!? When we ask them how their beach trip was, they tell us about the restaurants they visited. For Christmas, we give them an envelope of gift certificates to Greenville restaurants. Do they talk about food because they have nothing else to talk about? Do I talk about food because I'm boring? No. I don't think that could be true. Maybe it's because I have to have food or I get really angry. Raging angry like a dragon. Mom knows. She wonders what aliens have inhabited her child when I'm hungry. "Feed her quickly!", she says!
(Stupy blogger won't let me put a picture up so just imagine a pic of me...eating.)
But, my point is: I look forward to yummy meals. If I know that I'm going to get the pleasure of eating Inoko Express for dinner, let me tell you, I'm damn excited. If Last Resort is the dinner choice, my mouth will salivate all day at the idea of Praline Chicken or cheesecake. I can't even concentrate on the lecture..."peanut butter pie! grits!". I might even fast all day just to get ready for the meal. I also think I might talk about food too much. "What'd you have for lunch?" "Well, let me tell you about my lean cuisine that I brought's my favorite, ravioli!". I could have an entire conversation about my lunch, what I made for dinner the night before, and what I'm thinking about picking up for the next night's dinner. Is this weird? I'm not sure. Molly says she's the same way. My grandparents are absurd. They seriously do nothing besides watch TV and talk about their next meal. My grandfather has never cooked so much as a slice of toast in his life, bless his heart, and he even got food for Father's Day! WTF!? When we ask them how their beach trip was, they tell us about the restaurants they visited. For Christmas, we give them an envelope of gift certificates to Greenville restaurants. Do they talk about food because they have nothing else to talk about? Do I talk about food because I'm boring? No. I don't think that could be true. Maybe it's because I have to have food or I get really angry. Raging angry like a dragon. Mom knows. She wonders what aliens have inhabited her child when I'm hungry. "Feed her quickly!", she says!
(Stupy blogger won't let me put a picture up so just imagine a pic of me...eating.)
I dont want to eat too. I hate myself I want to die/
Ang-ang, at 8:12 PM
ummmmmmm ok don't die.
mate, remember when we got to eat fast food?
Anonymous, at 8:20 PM
Hey Ron, I think we're getting some weird spam on blog comments. As soon as I posted, there was another one and I deleted it quickly. Who are these people!? Can you fix our blog?
oneofthemates, at 10:05 PM
Ron, it's so great when Mate let's us eat fastfood. She caught the bouquet at Sarrin's wedding. Does that mean we get fast food for your reception?
oneofthemates, at 10:06 PM
i love food. seriously. and i get really excited about it. you know what i like that most people don't like? leftovers. especially from thanksgiving and chrimmas. you know what i don't like? my job.
Anonymous, at 5:42 PM
I like my mate a lot. She's funny.
Anonymous, at 6:21 PM
mate, i dont know who the wierd people on the blog are but i do know that comments are always appreciated even if they are a little strange or out of the ordinary. at least the word about mate tv has been growing. just an update about the video, i have been swamped this week trying to make a friday deadline. i will get it done as soon as i have a moment to breath.
also, i think we need to decide what fast food we are going to eat the next time we have a road trip. a guy has to have a dream.
Anonymous, at 7:49 PM
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