I'm gettin' he-otched, beotch!!

What's up foolio's. So, as blogworld may or may not know, Aaron and I are makin' it official and getting MURRIED. WHAT WHAT? I know, I was just telling Aaron that as soon as we get married that we're going to have to act like a-dults. EEk. He asked for the ring back. Nooooo, just kidding he didn't. Half the time I still can't believe it's real and can't get used to calling Aaron my "fiance" instead of that goofy guy I hang out with all the time. (I'm just full of jokes tonight) So, the proposal was AWESOME and we got engaged at the very first Starbucks in the whole entire world in the fabulous town of Seattle. If that sounds cheesy to some of you, then shame on you!!! It's not. Aaron and my meeting was one of fate as we met outside of Starbucks amongst thousands of people on New Year's Eve in 2004 about 10 minutes before midnight. And no, I did NOT give him a kiss at the stroke of midnight. My parents raised me with morals and they include not kissing strangers. Anyway, I'm soooooooo glad that we are engaged now and if you all are nice then we'll invite you to the wedding!!!! So, these pics are of my face when Aaron asked me, literally and the big fat (phat) rock that now adorns my left hand. If it's tacky to show the ring, I don't care, it's my blog and don't read if you're offended!!!!

******UPDATE******The date of this infamous wedding has now been decided: MAY 26, 2007. Mark yo' calendars.
TRUE!!!!!! Glad you blogged about it so I don't have to keep my mouth shut no mo.
Anonymous, at 2:22 AM
ok so uh nice ring man..... it's not tacky to show it off.... it what everyone wants to see anyway.
Paul, at 10:53 AM
put as many pics up as possible. that things needs to been seen!!!
Anonymous, at 4:19 PM
congrats ALLISON!!!!!!!!!!!!I;m way happy for you and the Cap'n!!
Kate, at 8:22 AM
OMG!!! I am so exicted! All I can say is Shalom Bitches! So fun!
Anonymous, at 1:42 PM
I'm soo happy for you, but life is till happening how about a new post with updates perhaps
Anonymous, at 10:51 AM
WOAH. Well, I was going to give Mate's post some time on top, as to not break blog etiquette. Looks like our readers want more!! I'll blog ASAP. I already have some ideaaaaas...
Oh, Mate, a friend of mine said he gets confused so we really need to sign our posts. Obviously yours was about getting heee-otched!!!
Anonymous, at 5:27 PM
damn anonymous, can a girl have a moment?? there is NOTHING ELSE going on in the world besides me getting engaged. soooo there. mate, feel free to update.
Anonymous, at 5:45 PM
haha. that's why i love my mate.
we want people to comment. but you'd better be nice. beotches.
Anonymous, at 1:29 PM
ok so i signed in as anonymous because I knew that yous was going to flip...... here's the thing though you can post something else about getting engaged like details or what the next steps are........... milk this shit man.... milk it!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 3:27 PM
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