It's been 6 months, so it's about that time!

So, I've been raising a lot of hype on Facebook by saying that I'm excited and tune into the blog for details....and then I never blogged. Which raised the question, What is Alison excited about? Did she buy a house, is she pregnant, (HELL to the no!!! I have a very freaking CUTE wedding dress to fit into in 2 months....child please). Well, the reason why Alison is excited, I like talking in the 3rd person, is because she got a new job!! You know the seasons are a changin' when I start looking for a new job, but I'm thinking this one might be the one that will last longer than 6 months or a year. I mentioned on a previous post that I was thinking about changing careers and getting the hizzy out of banking/mortgage, well, I have successfully completed that wish. Starting on Monday I'm going to be working for Skirt! Magazine. I will be doing some marketing and advertising sales work for them. I think it's going to be great fun. All the people in the office are around my age, cute, know how to dress, and have Mac's. I think I will fit in famously. I took a picture of the latest magazine and am including it on this post. I'm thinking this new job will launch my career and pretty soon I will be taking over Vogue. Watch out Anna Wintour....Alison's in town!