Alright, so this a-non-y-mous person is getting on my last nerve (not really but I'm going to pretend) and so when thinking of how to act like some crazy bee to get this anonymous off my back, the infamous New York from Flavor of Love came to mind. FLAVOR FLAAAAAAV!!!! That B. is crazy, and she's so crazy that I love her. I'm going to digress off the anonymous hater and talk about Flavor of Love for a minute. That show is so bad. I mean terrible and I wasn't watching it until Flav brought New York back and my BFF Tiffany called to let me know. Anyway, New York is great t.v. So, back to the blog. Anonymous, why are you hounding me so much?? If I have something to say then I'll write it, but as of late I've been busy with real know, like WORK. Why aren't you working anonymous?? But, I do have a couple of things to kind of write about. So, this blog thing is getting kind of out of control because a good amount of people are reading it and I had to call and apologize to my friend Landi in New York (that's a shout out) because she found out that I was engaged, via the blog. How sad. And it's like I know there are people that I need to call but sometimes I just don't feel like talking on the know? I know that's a pathetic excuse, but it's the truth. I do have a funny story but that's another blog for another day but look for the lesson coming out of that blog being, um why are you talking to me BOB?
Here are some pics of the day Mate and I went to the UGA/USC game. Holler. Give it upto Megan doin' the dirty with the funnel. She's the epitome of the Furman elite with the lighter stuck in her tube dress.

And below is the pic of me and the crew, the FLIPCUP champions!!!

Here are some pics of the day Mate and I went to the UGA/USC game. Holler. Give it upto Megan doin' the dirty with the funnel. She's the epitome of the Furman elite with the lighter stuck in her tube dress.

And below is the pic of me and the crew, the FLIPCUP champions!!!