The Mates' Reality TV Life

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Quarter Life Crisis

Yea, I know you're all thinking of the John Mayer song, "might be a quarter life crisis...or just the stirrin' in my soul." Well, kiddies, here I am at 1:48 AM on my 25th birthday. My mom sent me some "stats" on my birth which were good to know (7 lbs 1.5 oz, 21 inch long, born at 12:46PM). I haven't reviewed those in awhile. I think it's important to know things like that and to ask your parents about what you were like when you were little. My dad called my mom today and asked her, "You know Faris' birthday is tomorrow, right?". She was like, "Yes, remember, I birthed the child!". Oh how blessed I am to have parents that remember all of those little moments and still like me enough now to want to talk about it. Most years on my birthday, when my dad calls, he reminds me of what he did the day I was born. He tells me about what restaurant he went to while he was waiting and even the emotions he had expecting his first child (fear, anxiety, and excitement).

Maybe that's is why I'm such a brat about my birthday. My parents have always done a really good job at making me feel so special. I really like to have fun things to do around my birthday. Luckily, last weekend I was able to have a great birthday party in Atlanta, put on by the one and only Mean Girl (Rebecca). Many of my friends were there, but I still felt sad that many weren't there. I wasn't mad at anyone for not being there; I just truly like being surrounded by my favorite people. I'll post some pics. I'm obsessed with big parties and I want EVERYONE that is my favorite person to be able to come. Is that too much to ask? ;) On Saturday, we are going to the lake for my family birthday party. It will be a birthday/4th of July celebration with the boat and Mom trying to kill us all with her mean driving skillz. My two little cousins, Micah and Suzanna, Aunt Barbara, Uncle Robbie, Brende, Mike, Caleb, my grandparents, Mom and Dad will all be there. Yay!!!

Anyway, I doubt that I will have a "quarter life crisis", but I do think that birthdays are a good time to reflect on how far you've come and consider where you'd like to go. Hey, before 25, I've graduated college, taught for 2 years in Atlanta, and finished half of my masters, among other things. Mate, you're probably throwing up in your mouth because I'm being cheesy, but as you all know, I've been known to post some mushy posts. Goodnight!


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Mate TV Road Trip

Above is the link to all the pics Ron Jeremy took on our trip to Naples. Enjoy!!

Friday, June 23, 2006

You're kidding me right?!?

So, I wake up this morning to someone vigorously knocking on Aaron's door. It was 7 a.m. He goes to answer it. I don't hear the conversation but Aaron comes and tells me that someone has broken into my car. Yes. The left rear window is smashed to pieces and something of value that I left in the backseat has been stolen. Shit. So, the only thing running through my head is I am such an idiot and I am totally going to get in trouble. I always am careful to take everything out of car but last night I forgot and now I'm paying the consequences. But, alas, what's done is done and I had to report it to the police and the insurance company and SafeLite Auto Glass is coming out tomorrow to fix the window. I cannot believe my luck. So, now I get to ride around all day with a broke up window lookin' all ghetto and being totally depressed. But, of course I took a picture so I could document this shitty occurance on the blog.

Down on her luck Alison

Monday, June 19, 2006

Your mom likes to eat!

Tonight at dinner with some friends, one of the guys, Blaze (yes his name is Blaze) said that he's decided that he's only going to eat when he's hungry. He refrained from eating the...well, they were sick tacos, but whatever...he refrained from eating dinner because he says he wasn't hungry. It's his new thing. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT? He said, "I mean, do y'all really enjoy eating?". Molly and I looked at each other like he had just asked us if we really, let me think...being told we're amazing! Of course we do! I love eating. I mean, I don't like gorge myself or eat when I'm stressed or have some binge eating problem like some people in my family do (ah hum). I eat like a bird, but I eat numerous times a day. I don't even eat food for comfort. I actually usually STOP eating when I'm really upset about something OR the other extreme, when I'm really excited about something. My body lives on adrenaline or something.

But, my point is: I look forward to yummy meals. If I know that I'm going to get the pleasure of eating Inoko Express for dinner, let me tell you, I'm damn excited. If Last Resort is the dinner choice, my mouth will salivate all day at the idea of Praline Chicken or cheesecake. I can't even concentrate on the lecture..."peanut butter pie! grits!". I might even fast all day just to get ready for the meal. I also think I might talk about food too much. "What'd you have for lunch?" "Well, let me tell you about my lean cuisine that I brought's my favorite, ravioli!". I could have an entire conversation about my lunch, what I made for dinner the night before, and what I'm thinking about picking up for the next night's dinner. Is this weird? I'm not sure. Molly says she's the same way. My grandparents are absurd. They seriously do nothing besides watch TV and talk about their next meal. My grandfather has never cooked so much as a slice of toast in his life, bless his heart, and he even got food for Father's Day! WTF!? When we ask them how their beach trip was, they tell us about the restaurants they visited. For Christmas, we give them an envelope of gift certificates to Greenville restaurants. Do they talk about food because they have nothing else to talk about? Do I talk about food because I'm boring? No. I don't think that could be true. Maybe it's because I have to have food or I get really angry. Raging angry like a dragon. Mom knows. She wonders what aliens have inhabited her child when I'm hungry. "Feed her quickly!", she says!

(Stupy blogger won't let me put a picture up so just imagine a pic of me...eating.)

Friday, June 16, 2006

"You're in NIPPLES?!?....ooooh Naples"

And so was the weekend that was Sarrin's wedding. I must say the mates had a blast. There was a teensy weensy bit of drama with Faris and getting her grad classes figured out, which she did oh so classily by the pool, and then of course when you get 6 girls together and stuff them in a suite there might be some terse words but all in all, us bridesmates came together for some good ole fashion fun in honor of Sarrin. It was great to see old college friends and let all of them meet Aaron whom they all knew before meeting him because he's that "tall guy" but hey, I've been described by other people as that "bitchy girl who gives looks" You know how we do. I digress. The place we stayed in was gooooorgeous and Mate, Ron and I didn't know how to act and the valet guys loved us because we were so uncouth we gave them something to talk about. Because of unforeseen circumstances Aaron had to get a hotel room for the last night and as his girlfriend I gave up my seat in the lap of luxury to be with him (awwwww) and so the next day we had to go to the Marco Resort to pick up Faris and it's raining and we had no car. So, Ron and I walk to the hotel carrying his luggage, in the rain, I'm in my bikini and shorts with hair and makeup still did for the wedding. Wow. We were a sight. I had to apologize to the guy letting me the hotel because we looked so strug. I'm not doing the wedding justice. Let's see highlights of the wedding: 1. The resort was freaking awesome. 2. Sarrin was hot. 3. Spurgeon, need I say more? 4. Swimming at 1 in the mo'nin while peeps is chumming for sharks...what? 5. SHALOM. By the way, Shalom bitches was the phrase of the weekend. Even the dad said in his toast. That's right Ammuuurica look to Mate TV for the phrase that pays.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Shalom bitches!

Aight, don't worry, we here. Well, we're in Naples, Florida. After my exam yesterday (that I aced! Yay!), I drove to the A to meet Alison (Mate) and Aaron (Ron). We all piled in my car and were on our way down 75. The entire trip was down 75. Highlights of the trip: writing our toast for Sarrin (Mate style), talking to Spurgeon on the phone and reminiscing about the days when he used to drive me INSANE in FTrue04, me filling in Mate and Ron about my interactions with the opposite sex, Ron's new name being "Professor Ron Jeremy", hearing "Ridin'", "Black Horse and Cherrytree", "Over my Head" over and over again, and just general good times had by all. Here I lie on the bed at the Comfort Inn and Suites (Sarrin said we couldn't stay at her house...Bee!) feeling like poop. I have a super sore throat and some other gross symptoms. Hmm I hope I'm not sick. Momma, what do I do if I'm sick down here? Well at least I'm not a hypochondriac like Mate and Charlsie.

So, we're talking about how one of our friends who is easily influenced always wants to do everything that Mate wants to do and that if Mate decided to be Jewish, she probably would too. Mate starts talking about the kosher knife at the local bagel shop where she used to work in college...and that they'd use the knife to cut bagel sandwiches and stuff. Then if a Jewish person walked in, they'd freak out and clean it real quick. If our friend, we'll call her "Sarah", decided to be Jewish, she'd be like...

Shalom bitches!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Best Week Ever

Yay!!! So this has been a great week so far. Besides having to work but that never really factors into whether I'm having a good week or a bad week. On Monday I got my tee shirt that I had been oh so looking forward to from my friend Paul in NYC to promote his website, You need to check it out homies. Then on Tuesday I picked up my new jeans that i was soooo excited about, cause we know how a girl is about her jeans. I strayed away from 7 jeans because as soon as guys start wearing them they're not as cool. I checked out a new brand, Rock and Republic and so far they're pretty hip. Today my mini vacation/spring break relived/Furman Homecoming begins. Ron, Mate and I are driving down to Naples, FL to watch SArrin get married. All in all, a pretty good week. We're taking the laptop, camera and video camera to get some live clips of the mates in action. Trust me, we will not disappoint. Although, I don't know if you can upload video to blogger? Paul, can we do that?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I want to be like Katie Couric when I grow up

Alright, so many of you that know me, know that I LOVE The Today Show. I'm not kidding, not being sarcastic, nothing. Through thick and thin, Matt and Katie have been there with me. When I started college, so did Matt and Katie, when I did Matt and Katie. Through all the boys, Matt and Katie have been there. I've even turned people to love the Today Show, i.e, Ron. (Although he thinks Katie is cheesy, hater) I've been known to talk about Today Show topics throughout my conversations during the day...but suffice it to say that a morning is not a morning without the Today Show and a cup of coffee. So, what am I going to do now that Katie's left? Who cares about the CBS evening news when there's goofy antics with Matt, Al and Ann to be done? And let's not even talk about Matt...if there was ever a chance with him...well Ron might be looking for another girl. Sigh. Life will not be the same. Good Luck Katie, you might get some people to start waching the news (me). I'll give Meredith Viera a chance but if I don't like her, you'll be hearing from me.
