Crocs. They make me want to barf.

Alright, so do y'all know what I'm talking about when I say crocs?? They're those plastic birkenstock wannabe shoes that come in every single color of the rainbow. When I see people wearing them I seriously get a little angry inside. ESPECIALLY when guys are wearing them? Um, I'm sorry, are you proclaiming yourself to be a eunuch? I don't CARE if they are "the most comfortable shoes in the whole entire universe galaxy to infinity and beyond" wear a pair of flip flops for goodness sake. Well if you are 2 years old or younger then I think they are cute, but if you are their parents then definitely do not. You just look foolish. Now, the last time I was home I saw an orange pair with the Clemson logo on them....and I am just praying to my God that those were a free gift and neither my mom nor my dad are sporting those around Columbia. Sigh.
Other than that, I'm having a good weekend. I had a great interview yesterday with my former boss and he's recruiting me to come work for him at a new company. Then Aaron and I went to GROUCHO'S for lunch, so good. Aaron had to do a little work in the afternoon and after that we went to the pool and swam like 2 little kids complete with races, handstand contests, and who can do a better sneak dunk attack. We finished off the night by going with Mark and Jessica to see Pirates of the Carribbean 2. I liked it. It was just really, really long. My butt started to hurt. That's all for now! Only 8 days til vacation in Seattle. Yay!!! Nobody in Seattle better be wearing crocs. Watch out! Alison's on the hunt.